Enrichment at Little Nunsthorpe
At Little Nunsthorpe Nursery/Oasis Academy Nunsthorpe every child has the chance to access a variety of enriching experiences from Nursery through to Year 6. We build this into day-to-day lessons but also through organising special events, day trips, visitors, and family events.
Living and growing
The Living Eggs experience is designed to help develop caring and nurturing skills within our children. The children have been so excited to see each chick hatch.
Little Nunsthorpe's Buddy Bench
The children have learnt how to use tools and have made boats, cars and planes. Then together they designed the bench, measured, cut, painted and screwed it all together. What a fab job they have all done.
Science Experiments
In Reception, we have been learning about space and carried out an experiment using bottles that we turned into rockets, to see if the size of the bottle changed the distance the top of the rocket flew off into the air.