Online Safety
Why is it important to stay safe online?
Most of us are ‘connected’ via our laptops, mobile phones, tablets or personal computer. The potential for the internet to be a valuable and a fun resource for entertainment, making friends, keeping in touch and learning is huge. But if you use the internet, you could be at risk of illegal activity or abuse - be it bullying, fraud or something more serious. Unlike seeing someone face to face, on the net, people aren't always what they first seem.
In the same way you learn about safety when you leave the house it is important to learn how to stay safe online. These are skills that will stay with you for life.
At Oasis Academy Nunsthorpe we are committed to ensuring that our students stay safe when using the internet. In order to maintain this level of safety we have filtering software which prevents the children from accessing any inappropriate information whilst using technology in the academy. The use of technology and the internet is also monitored regularly to ensure that any inappropriate content is highlighted and to prevent any instances of cyberbullying. There are also opportunities for children to complete a form and place it in a 'worry' box if they come across anything which may upset them. These boxes enable staff to be aware of issues which may affect our children's wellbeing.
At the beginning of the year, each student in the academy is asked to read and sign an e-safety agreement which clearly identifies and states how technology should be used responsibly. The acknowledgement and agreement to this contract is another way in which we are able to monitor and maintain the safety of our students.
As well as the e-safety agreement, the students are reminded of the 'do's and don'ts' of using the internet at the beginning of every half-term in their Computing sessions. Safety week and safer internet day are events which play a big role in equipping the students with the skills and knowledge needed to stay safe in this 'digital age'. On each of these events we have visitors, competitions and scavenger hunts to keep e-safety at the forefront of our students’ minds; reminding them of the importance of this issue.
There are many resources and websites available to parents and children to make them aware of any potential risks and dangers the internet concerns.