
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Lunches


Changes to this terms lunch menu

Please click this LINK to see the menu's for Chinese New Year on Wednesday 29th January.







Please click this LINK to see the menu for Pancake Day on Tuesday 4th March.

Student lunch is served between 11:30am & 1:00pm each day.  The emphasis is very much on building relationships and modelling good mealtime behaviour.

Children will make their own choice of meal each day in the classroom.  Midday supervisors are on hand to serve a selection of hot and cold puddings and will also serve drinks of milk or water as required.

We encourage all our children to try a hot meal at lunchtime and in order to allay any fears about new types of food, we have  taster pots available for any student that wishes to try a new food. You can help us by talking to your child about the choices of food available at lunchtime and encouraging them to try a hot meal. If you would like your child to try a taster pot from any of our dishes please let their teacher or a member of the admin team know.

Lunch must be paid for in advance and costs £2.40 per day or £12.00 for a full week.  

Children will choose the meal they want each day in class, copies of our 3 week rolling menu can be found by clicking below.                                                                     

Autumn Term 1 - September to October 2024

Autumn Term 2 - October to December 2024

For information on how you can pay for your child's Academy lunches please see our My Child At School Page page.


Applying for Free School Meals

At the academy we now provide a checking service for Free School Meals.  All  we need is your National Insurance Number and Date of Birth, we do the rest.  Alternatively you can download and complete the application form yourself.  You can claim free school meals for a child if the child is in full-time education, you are responsible for the child, and you get at least one of the following benefits:

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers allowance
  • Income related employment and support allowance
  • Guaranteed pension credit
  • Child tax credit with an annual income each year of less than £16,190 (as assessed by tax credits)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal credit

If you receive child tax credit and working tax credit, your child will not qualify for free school meals.

To find out more about free school meals, please visit the North East Lincolnshire Council website